Fridge cleaning
The fridge is also a sensitive area, as we store our food in it. So we need to take to keep it clean particularly seriously! Yet, for its importance, we do not give it as much importance as we should! This is a mistake! You do need to take the trouble to check the expired products from time to time, to see if there is any mouldy stuff hiding in the corner of the fridge. And if you find mouldy food inside, it's a good idea to unpack the entire contents of the fridge and rinse the inside with vinegar or detergent. If you want to give your fridge a deep clean, you need to defrost it, along with the freezer, and wipe every little nook and cranny of it thoroughly, even the rubber on the doors! Storage compartments, egg trays, glass shelves and grids are easiest to remove and wash in the sink.
If you want to clean in an eco-conscious way, you can also choose an organic, or environmentally friendly, solution, and there are several "miracle products" to choose from. Vinegar, lemon, baking soda are all great alternatives as a cleaning agent!
But if you don't want the hassle of cleaning your fridge, you can simply order this service, either on its own or as an extra with one of our cleaning packages!